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sozo hash

sozo hash is used to interact with World's resource hashes, allowing you to compute a hash from a resource name/tag or find the resource name/tag matching an existing hash.


sozo hash [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
  compute   Compute the hash of the provided input.    
  find      Search for a hash among the project resource hashes.



sozo hash compute <INPUT>

INPUT     Input to hash. It can be a comma separated list of inputs or a single input. Each input can be a dojo tag or a felt.


sozo hash find <HASH> --namespaces <NAMESPACES> --resources <RESOURCES>

HASH     The hash to search for.

NAMESPACES     A list of comma separated namespaces to use for hash computing, instead of namespaces read from project's configuration (profile and manifest files).

RESOURCES     A list of comma separated resource names/tags to use for hash computing, instead of resources read from project's configuration (profile and manifest files).


  1. Compute the hash of the resource tag ns-Position.
sozo hash compute ns-Position
  1. Search for the hash 0x1234 among project's namespace and resource hashes.
sozo hash find 0x1234
  1. Search for the hash 0x1234 among project's resource hashes, using namespaces ns, ns1 and ns2 for hash computing.
sozo hash find 0x1234 --namespaces ns,ns1,ns2