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Dojo worlds are defined in their Scarb.toml files. This is just a regular Scarb file which is an excellent Cairo package manager and project manager.


Full example of a Scarb.toml file:

cairo-version = "2.6.3"
name = "dojo_starter"
version = "0.7.0"
sierra-replace-ids = true
# Ensure you're specifying the Dojo version, as the dojo-core lib can introduce breaking changes.
dojo = { git = "", tag = "v0.7.0" }
initializer_class_hash = "0xbeef"
rpc_url = "http://localhost:5050/"
account_address = "0xb3ff441a68610b30fd5e2abbf3a1548eb6ba6f3559f2862bf2dc757e5828ca"
private_key = "0x2bbf4f9fd0bbb2e60b0316c1fe0b76cf7a4d0198bd493ced9b8df2a3a24d68a"
# The world address must be updated once you've migrated your world.
world_address = "0x3b5a8147f17a7ab5d5857a24d0d98574011445db0cab5ac75f588644b2b1517"
name = "Dojo starter"
description = "The official Dojo Starter guide, the quickest and most streamlined way to get your Dojo Autonomous World up and running. This guide will assist you with the initial setup, from cloning the repository to deploying your world."
cover_uri = "file://assets/cover.png"
icon_uri = "file://assets/icon.png"
website = ""
x = ""
discord = ""
github = ""
telegram = ""


To ease the management of different environments, Dojo supports profiles. You can define multiple profiles in your Scarb.toml file, and then use the --profile flag to select a specific profile when running a Sozo command.

You can refer to the profile in Scarb documentation for more information.