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Genesis Configuration

Katana's genesis configuration feature allows you to define the initial state and settings of your blockchain network. This feature enables you to customize the chain's starting point and set up some aspects of the network according to your specific requirements. With this feature, you can:

  1. Specify the token used for network fees
  2. Allocate initial token balances to accounts
  3. Pre-declare classes at the start of the chain
  4. Pre-deploy smart contracts at the start of the chain

The genesis configuration provides a convenient way to customize the chain's starting point, reduce manual setup efforts, and ensure a consistent and predictable initial state for your applications and smart contracts.

Configuration File Format

The genesis config file is a JSON file that contains the following fields:

  • number
    The block number of the genesis block.
  • parentHash
    The parent hash of the genesis block.
  • timestamp
    The timestamp of the genesis block.
  • stateRoot
    The state root of the genesis block.
  • sequencerAddress
    The sequencer address.
  • gasPrices The gas prices for the L1 tokens at the genesis block.
    • ETH
      The price of ETH in wei.
    • STRK
      The price of STRK in fri.
  • feeToken The network fee token configuration. (optional)
    • name
      The name of the fee token.
    • symbol
      The symbol of the fee token.
    • decimals
      The number of decimal places for the fee token.
    • address (optional)
      The fee token contract address.
    • class (optional)
      The class of the fee token. It is has a value of either a classHash or a name.
      • classHash (option)
        The hash of the fee token class hash (0x prefixed hex value).
      • name (option)
        The name of the fee token class defined in classes.
    • storage (optional)
      Key-value pairs for the fee token's storage.
  • universalDeployer The universal deployer configuration. (optional)
    • address (optional)
      The universal deployer contract address.
    • storage (optional)
      Key-value pairs for the universal deployer's storage.
  • accounts The genesis allocations.
    • <CONTRACTADDRESS> _The address of the account contract.
      • publicKey
        The public key associated with the account.
      • privateKey (optional)
        The private key associated with publicKey.
      • balance (optional)
        The initial balance of the account.
      • nonce (optional)
        The nonce of the account.
      • class (optional)
        The class to be used for the account contract. It is has a value of either a classHash or a name.
        • classHash (option)
          The hash of the contract class (0x prefixed hex value).
        • name (option)
          The name of contract class defined in classes.
      • storage (optional)
        Key-value pairs for the account's storage.
  • contracts Genesis contract deployments.
    • <CONTRACTADDRESS> _The address of the contract.
      • class
        The class of the contract. It is has a value of either a classHash or a name.
        • classHash (option)
          The hash of the contract class (0x prefixed hex value).
        • name (option)
          The name of the contract class defined in classes.
      • balance (optional)
        The balance allocated to the contract.
      • storage (optional)
        Key-value pairs for the contract's storage.
  • classes Classes to declare at genesis.
    • class
      The path to the class artifact file relative to the genesis config file, or the full class artifact object.
    • classHash (optional)
      The hash of the class. To override the actual class hash that will be computed from the class definition itself.
    • name (optional)
      The name of the class to be used as a reference for the class hash.


	"number": 0,
	"parentHash": "0x999",
	"timestamp": 5123512314,
	"stateRoot": "0x99",
	"sequencerAddress": "0x100",
	"gasPrices": {
		"ETH": 1111,
		"STRK": 2222
	"feeToken": {
		"address": "0x55",
		"name": "ETHER",
		"symbol": "ETH",
		"decimals": 18,
		"class": "0x8",
		"storage": {
			"0x111": "0x1",
			"0x222": "0x2"
	"universalDeployer": {
		"address": "0x041a78e741e5af2fec34b695679bc6891742439f7afb8484ecd7766661ad02bf",
		"storage": {
			"0x10": "0x100"
	"accounts": {
		"0x66efb28ac62686966ae85095ff3a772e014e7fbf56d4c5f6fac5606d4dde23a": {
			"publicKey": "0x1",
			"balance": "0xD3C21BCECCEDA1000000",
			"nonce": "0x1",
			"class": "0x444",
			"storage": {
				"0x1": "0x1",
				"0x2": "0x2"
		"0x6b86e40118f29ebe393a75469b4d926c7a44c2e2681b6d319520b7c1156d114": {
			"publicKey": "0x2",
			"balance": "0xD3C21BCECCEDA1000000"
		"0x79156ecb3d8f084001bb498c95e37fa1c4b40dbb35a3ae47b77b1ad535edcb9": {
			"publicKey": "0x3"
		"0x053a78e741e5af2fec34b695679bc6891742439f7afb8484ecd7766661ad02bf": {
			"publicKey": "0x4",
			"balance": "0xD3C21BCECCEDA1000000",
			"privateKey": "0x115"
	"contracts": {
		"0x29873c310fbefde666dc32a1554fea6bb45eecc84f680f8a2b0a8fbb8cb89af": {
			"balance": "0xD3C21BCECCEDA1000000",
			"class": "MyERC20",
			"storage": {
				"0x1": "0x1",
				"0x2": "0x2"
		"0xe29882a1fcba1e7e10cad46212257fea5c752a4f9b1b1ec683c503a2cf5c8a": {
			"balance": "0xD3C21BCECCEDA1000000"
		"0x05400e90f7e0ae78bd02c77cd75527280470e2fe19c54970dd79dc37a9d3645c": {
			"storage": {
				"0x1": "0x1"
	"classes": [
			"class": "path/to/file/erc20.json",
			"name": "MyERC20"
			"class": "path/to/file/universal_deployer.json",
			"classHash": "0x444"
			"class": {
				"abi": [
						"members": [
							{ "name": "to", "offset": 0, "type": "felt" },
							{ "name": "selector", "offset": 1, "type": "felt" },
							{ "name": "data_offset", "offset": 2, "type": "felt" },
							{ "name": "data_len", "offset": 3, "type": "felt" }
						"name": "AccountCallArray",
						"size": 4,
						"type": "struct"