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Systems = Functions in a Dojo contract

  • Systems are Dojo contract functions.
  • Systems can access to the world using the<NAMESPACE>) function.
  • Systems engage the world contract to alter models' state.
  • Systems ought to be concise and specific.
  • In most scenarios, systems are stateless.

What are systems?

Within Dojo we define systems as functions within a Dojo contract that act on the world.

Systems play a pivotal role in your world's logic, directly mutating its component states. It's important to understand that to enact these mutations, a system needs explicit permission from the models owner.


In order to write data to the world, a system needs explicit permission from the models owner.

A simple way to think about system design for permissions:

System Permissions

Dojo interface

In a Dojo contract, you must first define a Dojo interface to declare the systems that your contract will expose.

trait IActions<T> {
    fn spawn(ref self: T);
    fn move(ref self: T, direction: Direction);

System implementation

To implement the code related to the system, you must be placed inside a #[dojo::contract] and implement the interface you've defined.

mod actions {
    use super::IActions;
    use dojo::model::{ModelStorage, ModelValueStorage};
    impl ActionsImpl of IActions<ContractState> {
        fn spawn(ref self: ContractState) {
            // Get the default world.
            let mut world ="dojo_starter");
            // Get the address of the current caller, possibly
            // the player's address.
            let player = get_caller_address();
            // Retrieve the player's current position from the world.
            let mut position: Position = world.read_model(player);
            // Update the world state with the new data.
            // 1. Move the player's position 10 units in both
            // the x and y direction.
            let new_position = Position {
                vec: Vec2 {
                    x: position.vec.x + 10,
                    y: position.vec.y + 10
            // Write the new position to the world.
            // 2. Set the player's remaining moves to 100.
            let moves = Moves {
                player, remaining: 100,
                last_direction: Direction::None, can_move: true
            // Write the new moves to the world.
        fn move(ref self: ContractState, direction: Direction) {
            // Get the default world.
            let mut world ="dojo_starter");
            // Get the address of the current caller, possibly
            // the player's address.
            let player = get_caller_address();
            // Retrieve the player's current position and moves data
            // from the world.
            let mut position: Position = world.read_model(player);
            let mut moves: Moves = world.read_model(player);
            // Deduct one from the player's remaining moves.
            moves.remaining -= 1;
            // Update the last direction the player moved in.
            moves.last_direction = direction;
            // Calculate the player's next position based on
            // the provided direction.
            let next = next_position(position, direction);
            // Write the new position to the world.
            // Write the new moves to the world.
            // Emit an event to the world to notify about
            // the player's move.
            world.emit_event(@Moved { player, direction });

Inside the system's implementation, you can use the Dojo api to easily interact with the world.