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Events emitted by the world

Anytime a state change occurs, the world emits an event to notify the Torii indexer about the change.

Consider this example of a Moves model:

struct Moves {
    player: Address,
    remaining: u32,

When this model is updated with the set! macro, the world contract will emit an event with the following structure:

#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
struct StoreSetRecord {
    table: felt252,        // Moves
    keys: Span<felt252>,   // [player]
    values: Span<felt252>, // [remaining]

This will then be captured by Torii and indexed for querying. This will allow you to then reconstruct the state of your world.

Similarly, when a model is deleted with the delete! macro, the world contract will emit an event with the following structure:

#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
struct StoreDelRecord {
    table: felt252,      // Moves
    keys: Span<felt252>, // [player]

Here's a breakdown of the events emitted by the world:

enum Event {
    WorldSpawned: WorldSpawned,
    ContractDeployed: ContractDeployed,
    ContractUpgraded: ContractUpgraded,
    WorldUpgraded: WorldUpgraded,
    MetadataUpdate: MetadataUpdate,
    ModelRegistered: ModelRegistered,
    StoreSetRecord: StoreSetRecord,
    StoreDelRecord: StoreDelRecord,
    WriterUpdated: WriterUpdated,
    OwnerUpdated: OwnerUpdated,
    ConfigEvent: Config::Event,
    StateUpdated: StateUpdated


The WorldSpawned event is emitted when the world is spawned (deployed).


The WorldUpgraded event is emitted when the world is upgraded to a new class hash (the address of the world remains the same).


The ContractDeployed event is emitted when a Dojo contract is deployed. The deployment is managed by the world itself.


The ContractUpgraded event is emitted when a Dojo contract is upgraded to a new class hash (the address of such Dojo contract remains the same).


The MetadataUpdate event is emitted when the metadata of a resource (world, Dojo contract, Dojo model) is updated.


The ModelRegistered event is emitted when a model is registered in the world, which contains all the information about the model including it's type layout.


The StoreSetRecord event is emitted when a model is updated in the world's store using the set! macro.


The StoreDelRecord event is emitted when a model is deleted from the world's store using the delete! macro.


The WriterUpdated event is emitted when the writer permission on a model has changed.


The OwnerUpdated event is emitted when the owner permission on a model has changed.


The ConfigEvent event is emitted when the configuration related to Saya settlement is updated.


The StateUpdated event is emitted when the state from a shard execution is settled on the world after proof verification using Saya.