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The best way to play with dojo.js is to install a starter project. All starter projects are based on the dojo-starter project.


  • react-app: Simple React app link
  • react-phaser-example: React app using Phaser.js link
  • react-pwa-app: React Progressive Web App link
  • react-threejs: React app using drei (Three.js) link


  • vue-app: Simple vue link


  • torii-bot: Example bun bot to sync with worlds link


The fastest way to install an example project is by using the npx @dojoengine/create-dojo command.

Note: Only supporting the react packages right now

  1. Run npx @dojoengine/create-dojo.
  2. Pick react-app.
  3. cd react-app.
  4. Run pnpm install to install dependencies.
  5. Run pnpm dev to start the project.
  6. You need to start Katana, Torii, and run the dojo-starter project.
  7. Head to http://localhost:5173/.