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  • Macros abstract complex queries into shorthands.
  • Macros in Dojo expand code that interacts with the world.

Understanding macros is key to understand Dojo. You will leverage them heavily within the systems you design.

Macros in Dojo are generalized functions that are expanded at compile time to facilitate system execution. They provide a convenient way for systems to interact with the world state by abstracting common operations, such as retrieving or updating models. By leveraging these macros, developers can streamline their system implementations and improve code readability.

For the examples, consider the following models:

#[derive(Drop, Copy, Serde)]
struct Position {
    player: ContractAddress,
    vec: Vec2,
#[derive(Copy, Drop, Serde)]
struct Moves {
    player: ContractAddress,
    remaining: u8,

The get! macro

The get! macro is used to retrieve models from the world state:

let player = get_caller_address();
// One model retrieved.
let position = get!(world, player, (Position));
// You can retrieve multiple models at once.
let (position, moves) = get!(world, player, (Position, Moves));

Here we are retrieving the Position and Moves models from the world state. We are also using the caller to retrieve the models for the current entity.

You can then use position and moves as you would as any other Cairo struct.

In the case that your model defines several keys, you must provide a value for each key.

let player = get_caller_address();
let location = 0x1234;
let resource = get!(world, (player, location), (Resource));

If you use the get! macro on a model that has never been set before, all the fields that are not #[key] are equal to 0 in the returned model, which is the default value in the storage. As you provide the keys, even if the model has never been written, the returned struct will contain the keys you provided.

The set! macro

The set! macro is used to update models state.

let player = get_caller_address();
// You can update multiple models at once.
set !(world, (
    Moves {
        player: player, remaining: 10
    Position {
        player: player, x: position.x + 10, y: position.y + 10
// If the structs are already defined in variables, it can also be written as:
set!(world, (moves, position));

Here we are updating the Moves and Position models in the world state using the player as the entity id.

The emit! macro

The emit! macro is used to emit custom events. These events are indexed by Torii.

emit!(world, (Moved { address: caller, direction })); // dojo::event
emit!(world, (Event::Moved (Moved { address: caller, direction } ))); // starknet::Event
// emit multiple events
emit!(world, (
    Moved { address: caller, direction },
    AnotherEvent { address: caller, value1, value2 }

This will emit these values which could be captured by a client or you could query these via Torii.

The delete! macro

The delete! macro deletes a model from the db, which consists at writing the default value for all the model's fields (which are not keys).

let player = get_caller_address();
let moves = get!(world, player, (Moves));
delete!(world, (moves));